Well, some would say it may be to early for me to do a giveaway, but I thought it might be a way to introduce some of you to my new site. Plus, I love giveaways! Who doesn't?! So, I am going to go ahead and start off with a "small" one. Well, for those of you with little ones in diapers, this may actually be a pretty great giveaway. The winner will get a code for 20% off diapers and FREE two-day shipping from Amazon.com. The coupon is good until August 31 so you will have a while to use it and Amazon usually has some great sales on diapers that you may be able to add this too.
Here's how you can enter: (3 possible entries)
* Just leave any comment on this post.
* "Follow" my blog with Google Friend Connect.
* Like "Saving Money with Honey" on Facebook.
Please leave me separate comments letting me know about each entry and be sure to leave your email with your comment so I will be able to contact you if you are the winner. The winner will be chosen using Random.org on Friday, July 30th. Good luck!
*Please note that the coupon code states the following: "20% off promotion applies to diapers sold by Amazon.com. Only one coupon may be redeemed per customer. Valid for one unit. Orders must be placed before 8/31/10. FREE Two-day shipping on diapers, wipes, and formula sold by Amazon.com"
Awesome! Thanks for discount!
This is awesome! I look forward to following your blog.
Thanks for help with diapers!! Appreciate all coupons I can use!
Would love to have the code!! My stock on diapers is getting very low!
I think my Parents subscription just ran out because I haven't seen the August issue. I would love a code. I'm always looking for a new site for deals to follow!
I'm a follower. Looking forward to reading your blog.
I would love a code!
would love to enter. Thanks for the contest, Honey. :) whitfieldcoupons@hotmail.com
would love to enter. Thanks for the contest, Honey. :) whitfieldcoupons@hotmail.com
Looking forward to a fun contest. Thank you!
Thank you for the giveaway!
couponrn at yahoo dot com
I could really use a code, Baby #3 is on the way and only 1 Income
I also liked your Facebook Page!!
Now im also following your blog Love it!
This would make for a killer deal for those diapers for baby #2 (and baby #1 still in diapers!)
I have a developmentally delayed chronically ill 7 year old still in diapers. The code win would be a great lifesaver. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would be grateful to win the code. Thanks for offering.
Nice I would love that!
I really hope this code goes to real mommys like me and not anyone just looking to profit! Good luck to all my fellow mommy's!
would like to win for my 4 month old!
courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com
I'm a FB fan!
I'm a Google follower!
courtneyscontemplations AT yahoo DOT com
( same e-mail for comment #21....I forgot to add it )
I would love to stock-up for #2 due in December. Thanks for the giveaway!
I "like" you on fb. Thanks!
whitfieldcoupons at hotmail dot com
This is a great deal! I am in desperate need to stock up for my 6 month old baby boy!
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